Sugar 75 Syngenta F1 Hybrid Sweet Corn Seed is a premium hybrid seed developed by Syngenta Pakistan Limited. Ideal for cultivating high-quality sweet corn, these seeds are engineered to deliver exceptional yield and performance under optimal agricultural practices. With a short duration of 80-90 days, this variety is suited for both Kharif and Rabi seasons, ensuring flexibility and adaptability to diverse agro-climatic conditions.
Key Specifications:
Trait | Specification |
Ear Length | 8-8.5 inches |
Ear Diameter | 1.8-2 inches |
Number of Kernel Rows | 14-16 |
Kernel Color | Golden Yellow |
Sugar Content | 15-16 Brix |
Plant Height | 5-6 feet |
Yield | 8-10 MT/acre |
Seed Rate | 2-2.5 KG/acre |
Agronomic Details:
- Sowing Time: January, December (flexible for Kharif and Rabi seasons).
- Row Spacing: 60 cm (2 feet).
- Plant Spacing: 30 cm (1 foot).
- Plant Population: 20,000 to 22,000 per acre.
- Seed Treatment: Treated with Cyantraniliprole + Thiamethoxam + Thiram/Matalaxyl-M.
Fertilization Schedule:
- Initial (at sowing):
- 50 KG DAP
- 50 KG MOP
- 10 KG Micronutrients per acre.
- Top Dressing (20 days):
- 50 KG Urea
- 10 KG Magnesium Sulphate
- 10 KG Zinc Sulphate.
- Top Dressing (40 days):
- 50 KG DAP
- 25 KG Urea.
- Top Dressing (55 days):
- 50 KG Urea (requirement-based).
Pest & Disease Control:
- Pheromone Traps: Use 10-12 traps per acre within 7-10 days after sowing.
- Insecticides: Apply sprays with Thiamethoxam, Spinetoram, or Chlorantraniliprole at intervals (15-20 days, 25-30 days, and 35-40 days).
- Disease Management: For NCLB control, use Bavistin (3-4 g/L) or Tilt (1 mL/L).
Irrigation Schedule:
- Light soils require frequent irrigation, while heavy soils need less.
- Adjust irrigation frequency based on vegetative or reproductive stages, ensuring shallow and consistent watering during flowering and fruiting phases.
- Harvest fully mature yellow cobs at 78-85 days.
Why Choose Sugar 75 Syngenta?
- Superior yield with golden yellow kernels.
- High sugar content (15-16 Brix) for exceptional sweetness.
- Vigorous plant growth and robust disease resistance.
- Trusted quality from Syngenta Pakistan Limited.
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